Archive | February, 2013

Is Design a crucial mater for Startup funding?

20 Feb

Let’s  suppose that you have a startup idea.

It’s revolutionary, and probanly will change the way we see the world. And its gonna get you millions. And the fun part is that it dosen’t inlolve any design.  Its purely database mining and you can do magic your PC,

But you have to ask for some funding, because without money, you won’t be able to  make your dream come true.

But design-wise, your abilities are matching to a 9 year old, You must do a presebtation  and get the job done the best way possible.

Guess what?  That’s a job for a designer.  I can help you to do your presentation, in the best way, in utmost secrecy, and in a look and feel that’s proper for your business and your needs.  So feel free to contact me. may mail is zoridesign(at)  :).


The site of Nicolas Drossos_aka Zoridesign

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